Preventing Crimes
Education The majority of criminal incidents on campus result from leaving property unattended, lockers unlocked and valuable property visible in cars. The Public Safety Department provides speakers on crime prevention, active shooter/violent actor response, self-defense, personal safety, sexual assault prevention, and other criminal justice and safety topics.
Intoxicants Drugs and intoxicants are not permitted on campus, except under very specific circumstances, which are detailed in the Student Policies section. Special note: Marijuana use or possession in any form remains illegal on all of Lane Community College's campuses and properties.
Lighting and Landscaping College staff work constantly to maintain good lighting and to clear undergrowth to improve visual access on campus and prevent crime.
Patrol Service Public Safety conducts patrols of the campus by squad car, bicycle, and by foot. This comprehensive patrol policy promotes community policing and crime prevention activities. In addition to patrol service, Public Safety works closely with the Lane County Sheriff's Department, Eugene Police Department, and federal agencies such as Homeland Security and the FBI.
Reporting and Response
Anyone knowing of or suspecting a crime should promptly report it to Public Safety in Building 12, Room 200. When a suspect is apprehended, the suspect may be taken into custody, cited, issued an order to appear, or subject to other campus and court referrals. Public Safety Officers may also facilitate contact between the victim and other law enforcement agencies.
Reported Crimes
The number of crimes reported to Public Safety and local law enforcement in the categories set forth in the Crime Awareness and Clery Act, as well as the complete campus Annual Security Report, may be found at the Public Safety website: