PSY 201H General Psychology-Honors

Scientific principles of psychology and psychological research; an introduction to statistical methodology, developmental and structural aspects, neurobiology and neurochemistry, and brain anatomy; senses and perceptual processes; states of consciousness. Basic principles and theories of behavior. This honors class delves deeper into course topics and requires a high level of student motivation; the pace may be faster than non-honors courses. See for information. Students cannot receive credit for both PSY 201 and PSY 201H.



Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Identify how differing perspectives of psychology contribute to examining and understanding the complexities of behavior and mental processes in varying contexts and environments
2. Recognize how historical approaches to psychology shaped early development of psychology
3. Identify and evaluate how scientific research methods (including experiments and correlational research) differ from other forms of inquiry and have been applied to studying mental activity, brain processes, and behavior to provide the basis for contemporary psychology
4. Identify and apply how neurobiological processes associated with the brain, behavior, sensation and perception, and consciousness, operate at different levels of analysis to shape how we interface with each other and the real world, and to shape how we understand ourselves
5. Recognize and apply how ongoing processes and the diversity of experiences throughout life shape human development