ECE 230 Family, School, Community Relations

Designed to help the student understand and develop methods and procedures for fostering effective family, school and community relations. Topics include: development of methods and techniques in preparation for and delivery of a parent conference, understanding how community agencies can best serve parents and children in relation to school programs, and practical experience in developing communication skills with parents.



Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Comprehend the value of and goals for involving parents in early education programs
2. Develop comprehensive communication skills, both written and oral
3. Develop a deeper understanding of parent/family needs and how the child care teacher/Center can help meet those needs
4. Explore various types of parent meetings and family/parent involvement
5. Comprehend the value of school policies & regulations
6. Develop an understanding of how to plan for and carry out an effective, developmentally appropriate parent conference