ART 289 Web Production

An intermediate web development course emphasizing web production best practices and strategies. Topics include site building and management, navigation and usability, web typography, and image optimization for the web. Students will gain hands-on experience with modern tools and technologies including use of web-based tools and web authoring software.




MUL 212 and instructor consent (may be taken before or as a corequisite)

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Mark up content and structure for a webpage using proper semantic HTML
2. Create and optimize graphic elements for a web page including appropriate use of currently supported file formats and compression methods to achieve a balance between image quality and efficient file size
3. Build a webpage layout using current standard CSS techniques
4. Use web fonts with CSS
5. Identify and address current typography issues in web design
6. Properly use internal, external and inline styles (CSS)
7. Upload and update a website on a live webserver
8. Create basic planning documents for and engage in web design workflow