ART 248 Stone Sculpture

For the beginning student who desires to learn the art of stone carving. Historical and contemporary stone sculpture is studied as a basis for understanding the medium. Students experience the entire process of creating a stone sculpture: choosing the stone, developing a design, making simple hand-carving tools, mastering the use of power carving tools, finishing and display of the completed work. Regular discussions and critiques of class work is used to further understand technical and formal considerations in the work. Contents and expected learning proficiencies of this course vary from term to term. May be repeated up to 9 total credits.



Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Expand their knowledge of historical and contemporary artists and sculptural methods
2. Develop a greater understanding of form/concept relationships
3. Have knowledge of materials and construction techniques typically used in stone sculpture work
4. Experience the process of design review; the standard process by which artworks are selected for public art projects
5. Learn critical thinking skills, as well as the ability to discuss and defend their artwork in a thoughtful manner