APR 204 Carpentry Advanced Layout and Building Systems

Designed for Oregon state-recognized apprentices employed in the carpentry trade. The curriculum is competency-based and modular in format. This course introduces students to the equipment, layout and methods to perform distance measurement and leveling. Students will also learn the structures, materials and procedures for installing commercial roofing, as well as the varieties of, and installation procedures for commercial wall systems.



Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Use manual or electronic equipment and procedures to make distant measurements and perform site layout tasks
2. Use a builder’s level and differential leveling procedures to determine site and building elevations
3. Record site layout data and information in field notes using accepted practices
4. Check and /or establish 90-degree angles using the 3-4-5 rule
5. Explain the different types of roof systems
6. Identify various advanced roof systems and explain the techniques used in their construction
7. Explain the different types of wall systems
8. Identify various advanced wall systems and explain the techniques used in their construction