Aviation Unmanned Aircraft Systems: Commercial UAS Operator, CPC

This Commercial UAS Operator CPC provides a stackable certificate that demonstrates proficiency in operations, flight procedures, equipment familiarity, and industry-standard operator and Unmanned Pilot training.

31 credits

Program Contacts


Estimated: $ 9,878

  • Resident Tuition: $ 4,3123*
  • Technology Fees: $ 403
  • General Student Fees: $ 437**
  • Online Course Fee: $ 0
  • Books / Course Materials:  $ 300 (Some courses use Open Educational Resources (OER), which are free or low-cost materials.)
  • Program Specific Fees: $ 4,225
  • Other Fee / Expenses: $ 200*** (Tablet)

Costs provided are estimates only. Learn more and view current tuition and fee information at https://www.lanecc.edu/costs-admission/tuition-fees-and-payments/credit-tuition

*Resident tuition is based on all program requirements (general education, core, directed electives).

**General Student fees are paid once each term, depending on whether you are taking classes on Main Campus, at one of the outreach centers, or by distance learning.

***Any special info about program costs or expenses.

****This is the total of all the differential fees attached to the courses in this program.

Program Learning Outcomes

Students who complete this program will be able to:

PLO 1: Integrate unmanned flights into the NAS safely and effectively utilizing industry-standard documentation methods, including FAA waivers

PLO 2: Safely and effectively plan and execute field missions in a variety of situations utilizing current unmanned aircraft systems

PLO 3: Design, assemble, build, program, and fly hobby and commercial grade unmanned equipment

PLO 4: Work safely and effectively within a crew/team environment utilizing a variety of current unmanned aircraft and equipment

PLO 5: Apply the principles of photography and videography in unmanned operations

PLO 6: Utilize spatial data and GIS technology to create deliverable geospatial products

PLO 7: Effectively apply and utilize Crew Resource Management (CRM) and Aeronautical Decision-Making (ADM) strategies to ensure safe and effective UAS operations and procedures

PLO 8: Utilize effective and industry-standard UAS maintenance procedures, operations, and documentation

Admission Information

There will be a separate program application submitted by the student to the Program Director, and approval is required to be enrolled in the Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Aviation Unmanned Aircraft Systems. More information can be found here: https://www.lanecc.edu/programs-academics/academic-departments/aviation-academy

Program Requirements

Program Core Courses

UAS 101Introduction to UAS and Careers


UAS 121Multirotor Systems


UAS 122Ground Control Radio Systems


UAS 123UAS Part 107 License Lab


UAS 124AIntro Flight Lab


UAS 124BAdvanced Operations Flight Lab


UAS 124CFixed Wing Lab


UAS 124DUAS Field Operations


UAS 124EAdvanced Sensor Lab


UAS 201UAS Ground School


UAS 211UAS Autopilot Ardupilot and Piccolo


UAS 230UAS Data Acquisition and Analysis


UAS 231Advanced Sensor


GS 109Meteorology




FCC Amateur Technician Radio License obtained after UAS 122