Academic Progress Standards

The college has a responsibility to help credit students achieve their educational goals. To meet this responsibility, the college tracks students' progress and provides assistance to students who, for whatever reason, do not meet the college's minimum Academic Progress Standards (APS). These standards are different from the Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards ( and apply to all students.

Academic Progress Standards are based on academic performance for each individual term. Attaining a minimum GPA of 2.0 and completing at least 67% of attempted credits each term ensures Good Academic Standing. Should a student fall below either of these performance indicators, an Alert Status will be activated and the student will be required to complete an intervention.

At the end of every term, the College will review each student's progress. The following identifies the required interventions if a student does not meet these standards:

Term GPA Completion Rate Academic Standing Intervention
1st Less than 2.0 Less than 67% Alert 1 Access the Alert 1 webpage for further information and recommended student support resources
2nd Less than 2.0 Less than 67% Alert 2 Requires Alert 2 - Requires access to your Moodle page and completion of the Success Plan Questionnaire
3rd Less than 2.0 Less than 67% Alert 3 Requires enrollment in Alert 3 - Requires access to your Moodle page and completion of the Success Plan Questionnaire
4th Less than 2.0 Less than 67% Alert 4 Requires Alert 4 - Requires access to your Moodle page and consultation with a Lane Retention Counselor

Special Note: Attempted credits include all credits a student is enrolled in at the beginning of the second week of the term, after the Refund Deadline. Refund deadlines for summer terms can vary. Check the Refund Schedule

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