PTA 205 PT Interventions - Complex Medical Dysfunctions

This course investigates physiological anomalies, clinical presentation and physical therapy treatment approaches for patients with complex medical conditions. Students advance clinical decision-making using case studies, treatment models, and evidence-based literature.




PTA 104 and (PTA 104L or PTA 104LR) and PTA 133 and (PTA 133L or PTA 133LR), allwith a grade of C or better (all may be taken as corequisites) and admission into the PTA Program

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Define selected disorders that are influenced by multiple and/or complex body system dysfunction (e.g., lymphedema, limb loss, circulatory disorders/heart failure, integument disorders/burns, immunocompromised (cancer, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis), dementia/Alzheimer’s, and PTSD)
2. Discuss clinical examples of selected complex medical conditions and support the discussion with relevant evidence
3. Describe physiological causes of functional losses in selected complex medical conditions
4. Explain causes for spreading and/or preventing selected medical disorders and diseases
5. Describe the purpose and considerations for specialized interventions for complex medical conditions, including: a. lymphedema management; b. prosthetic and gait training; c. therapeutic exercises; d. skin care; e. conditioning/reconditioning; f. positioning; g. infection control; h. biophysical agents; i. joint mobilization in the elderly
6. Demonstrate appropriate intervention selection, data collection, and communication with the supervising PT during simulated complex medical cases
7. Document wound measurements using accepted clinical standards
8. Distinguish tissues and drainage commonly encountered in wound treatment
9. Demonstrate an understanding of specialized equipment that protect patient safety and facilitate functional recovery following the onset of a complex medical case referred to physical therapy (e.g., prostheses, assistive devices and equipment, positive and negative pressure rooms, personal alarms, specialized dressing/dressing changes)
10. Describe how to recognize and address concerns regarding signs and symptoms of substance abuse encountered during patient care
11. Consider patient education strategies in the face of fluctuating cognition to optimize engagement and adherence within the PT plan of care