PN 102B Practical Nursing 2 Lab

On campus lab and community clinical experiences will be planned by the faculty to meet specific competencies and benchmarks. These experiences will take place in the nursing lab and long-term care (LTC) facilities. Focus is on laboratory and clinical implementation of theory and nursing skills related to assessments, communicating with and caring for individuals with chronic illnesses, diagnostic labs (EKG, obtaining cultures, urinalysis, and visual acuity). Demonstration of interventions; surgical asepsis, wound care, parenteral medication administration (IM, SQ, & ID), enteral (via tubes through the oral, nasogastric, or surgical routes) medication administration, oxygen administration, respiratory care, urinary catheter insertion and care, nasogastric feeding and ostomy care. Continued clinical foci will be total patient care, collecting assessment data, documentation, using the nursing process to implement patient care, and medication administration. The nursing program assumes that acquisition of skill competencies is an ongoing process which requires student motivation and frequent faculty evaluation. Skills taught during this course which will require formal check off in lab prior to patient care will include surgical asepsis, wound care, parenteral medication administration (IM, SQ and ID), and urinary catheterization. These and other previously demonstrated nursing psychomotor skills must be successfully demonstrated and incorporated into the delivery of nursing care by the end of the term.




Admission into the Practical Nursing Program


PN 102A 

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Identify potential legal and ethical issues related to client decision-making and informed consent in acute care settings
2. Use therapeutic communication skills in the development of therapeutic relationships with clients and families
3. Describe the pathophysiology, medical management, diagnostic testing, and nursing interventions in caring for clients with diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and urinary/renal disorders
4. Describe the pathophysiology, perioperative management, and nursing interventions for the patient who is having or has had surgery
5. Demonstrate competency in performing skills taught in PN 101 and 102
6. Demonstrate ability to calculate medication doses accurately
7. Demonstrate safe and competent clinical application of acquired knowledge and skills when caring for patients