FR 211 Conversational French

This is an intensive weekend conversation class designed to give students the opportunity to improve their oral communication skills and intercultural competence. Students speak and hear only French while participating in cultural activities and games, discussions following guest speaker presentations, and French and Francophone-themed meals. A film viewing in French introduces and expands on vocabulary and expressions in authentic cultural contexts. Students have the opportunity to share experiences and opinions, exchange ideas, and practice using various forms and functions of the target language.




FR 103 or equivalent

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Acquire and use a vocabulary base in various topics
2. Communicate and exchange information effectively about him/herself with others
3. Discuss points of view
4. Improve pronunciation and listening skills
5. Develop a deeper understanding of one’s own culture as well as learning about the cultures of others
6. Exercise social responsibility and decision-making that values various cultures and backgrounds