CS 295N Web Development 1: ASP.NET

This is the first in a sequence of 2 courses that teaches student who have a working knowledge of C# and Visual Studio to develop web based applications in the .NET environment. This course introduces students to server side web programming concepts as well as the ASP.NET framework.




CS 162N or CS 233N, and CS 233JS. Or instructor consent


CS 234N 

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Design, implement, test and debug web based applications that consist of a single page using ASP.NET and C#
2. Design, implement, test and debug web based applications that maintain state across multiple pages using ASP.NET and C#
3. Design, implement, test and debug web based applications that interact with files using ASP.NET and C#
4. Describe server side web programming concepts, themes and issues orally and in writing