CJA 220 Introduction to Criminal Law

An overview of substantive criminal law in the United States that comprises an examination of the historical development, philosophical principles, sources and nature of criminal law. Specific topics include the distinction between criminal and civil law; the classification of crimes; definitions and essential elements of key crimes and inchoate offenses; basic principles of and defenses to criminal liability, and the use of law as a social force.



Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Explain the historical development and philosophical underpinnings of criminal law in the United States
2. Explain the basic legal principles and concepts that provide the foundation for civil and criminal law in the United States
3. Describe the sources of contemporary U.S. criminal law
4. Identify the essential elements of any criminal statute
5. Accurately interpret the applicability of criminal statutes to specific fact patterns
6. Discuss the various classifications of crime and criminal defenses