Independent Study

Independent Study (198/298): A variable credit course based on independent study, contracted between an instructor and a student. The emphasis will be in areas of student tutoring or research-related projects which provide an opportunity for students to pursue in-depth study in an area previously or concurrently covered in a survey or introductory course. Contact academic departments directly for information.

Current offerings:

• Art (ART)
 Biology (BI)
• Business (BA)
 Chemistry (CH)
 Computer Science (CS)
 Construction (CST)
 Dental Hygiene (DH)
• Drafting (DRF)
 Environmental Science (ENSC)
 Film Arts (FA)
• Geographic Information Science (GIS)
• Health Information Management (HIM)
• Honors (HON)
 Medical Assistant (MA)
• Multimedia (MUL)
 Music (MUS)
• Nursing (NRS)
 Paramedicine (EMS)
 Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA)
 Threatre Arts (TA)